La La Love

Over the weekend I went to see the widely talked about and award nominated movie, La La Land.  The movie stars Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling.  Two well-known actors and most of the reason why this movie has received so much hype.  It’s a different kind of movie/musical.  I’m not a huge fan of musicals, but those parts of this movie don’t really interfere too much in the story line, which is kind of weak really.  You do feel the connection between Emma Stone, (Mia) and Ryan Gosling (Sebastian). It’s easy to feel a sort of compassion for Ryan, with his puppy dog eyes and innocent smile.  Emma is funny and real and easy to want to be friends with.

I won’t give anything away in case you plan to see it, but I connected with the movie on an entirely different basis.  I felt a lot of my relationship with my husband related to the character’s stories in this film.  When you watch Emma on the big screen, you actually feel her falling in love.  You see it in her eyes, her facial gestures.  I can’t imagine being on a movie set, finishing lunch and then doing a scene where you have to look as if you have fallen in love with a man who is playing the piano.  Maybe that’s why I’m not an actress, and having watched it take place on the screen makes me appreciate what actors and actresses do every day.

There is a song that’s played and sung throughout the movie that resonates so deeply with me.  As you know music can change my attitude and mindset almost instantly, and this song is no exception.  I found this video of two different people singing my favorite song from the movie, and I’ve watched them about five times already.  They sing it so beautifully.  And it gives me hope.



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